Flutter Project Base
Setting up your Flutter project environment with Monday Hero
Before you begin working with the Flutter code generated by Monday Hero, it's important to set up your development environment. Below, we outline the necessary dependencies and how to configure everything.
Setting Up the Development Environment
To build Flutter apps, ensure that you have the following dependencies installed:
Flutter SDK version 2.0.0 or later
Dart SDK version 2.12.0 or later
If you haven't already, refer to Flutter's official documentation for instructions on setting up your project environment.
Monday Hero Directory Structure
In Monday Hero, the folder structure of a Flutter project typically looks like this:
mondayhero_project: Root directory of the Flutter project.
assets: Contains static assets used in the app, such as fonts, images, and translations.
fonts: Directory for font files (.otf, .ttf) used in the app.
images: Directory for image files (.svg, .png, .jpg) used in the app.
translations: Directory for localization files (.json) providing translations for different languages.
en-US.json: English translation file.
mh_generated: Monday Hero Generated translations directory.
en-US.json: Automatically generated translation file.
lib: Contains Dart source code files for the Flutter project.
core: Core functionality of the app.
localization: Directory for localization-related files.
mh_localization_asset_loader.dart: Asset loader for localization.
design-system: Houses custom components created for the app.
components: Directory for custom UI components.
route: Handles app routing and navigation.
app_router.dart: Defines the app router.
app_routes.dart: Contains route definitions.
main.dart: Entry point of the app.
theme: Contains app theme configuration files.
app_colors.dart: Defines the app color scheme.
app_text_styles.dart: Defines text styles used throughout the app.
mh_generated: Monday Hero Generated theme files.
mh_app_colors.dart: Automatically generated color definitions.
mh_app_text_styles.dart: Automatically generated text styles.
pubspec.yaml: YAML file specifying project dependencies and metadata for the Flutter project.
You have two options for setting up your project: you can sync the code directly into a project provided by Monday Hero, or you can manually install the dependencies yourself.
Last updated
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