A search bar allows users to search values by typing text into a field.
Component's Property info for iOS/Android
It's calledSearchBar in Swift language. It can have 2 properties on Monday Hero:
Text: The initial text displayed by the text field. You can specify the text as a plain string or as an attributed string.
Placeholder: A placeholder is a text displayed by the SearchBar when the string is empty. Typing any text into the text field hides this string.
Searchbar is calledsearchViewin Android and has hintproperty on Monday Hero.
⚠️This feature is available in only Mac App. Web App support for Android is coming soon.
If you need to install the desktop app, click here.
Hint: A hint is a text displayed by the searchView when the string is empty. Typing any text into the text field hides this string. It's called the placeholder in iOS.
Generated iOS/Android Code
Let's see the generated code. Monday Hero will generate it even the rectangle's cornerRadius value included.